Link: the ZOO: Come Play With Us

the Zoo: Come Play With Us
So I’m starting with the last letter of the ABCs.  I wondered if I was a newcomer to this blog and was beginning my fibro fire-starting journey …. which letter would intrigue me the most?  I’d be dying to know why she included ZOO.  What could that subject possibly mean?

Will she discuss a parade of animals?  Will she discuss the evils of locking up animals who yearn to roam free in the wild?  Will she suggest that having many different fibro symptoms is like walking into a zoo?  That a FLUP is like walking up to the monkey cages where sometimes you get poo slung at you?  And they laugh at your mortified response?

Perhaps.  When I think of the zoo, I immediately think of monkeys, the place where they get to run around and play all day long, while being cared for and attended to, the lucky little furry imps!


This category of post is the area where we get to play and run with abandon.  Where thoughts will ramble and roam.  More like the wild but contained with some well-reasoned thought.  A little self indulgence but with a point. Any subject will be discussed in our zoo.  I might share a book, recipe, movie, music, youtube clip, person of interest, or some tool or product that makes my life living with fibro a little easier.

It will be a place to explore. digress. free associate. with nary a rule.  Except one:  You must have an open mind when entering the ZOO.

This Our place to have FUN.  Maybe this is the only source you have because you are housebound.  You may be disabled or in an area where you have limited resources.  You may not know of other online sites.  Perhaps your avenues of fun were wiped out with your diagnosis, like mine of physical activity and hands-on DIY projects (I used to make jewelry), and you have to find new sources of FUN.  Or, you want to talk with other fibro friends, need a place to get away from what one of my fibro friends calls the “whiny wailers.”  We may kvetch at times but the ultimate goal is to provide an area for inspiration and FUN.  And who doesn’t have fun when at the ZOO?  If you have suggestions for increasing FUN at the ZOO, please share with us in the comments section.

Now’s where we come to the fork-in-the-road.  Like a true Choose Your Own Adventure story, you get to decide where you go next ….

Path 1 continues you along the way of the DIGRESSION.

Path 2 takes you to the ZOO subject of the day.

Which way YOU go is up to you…..  Enjoy!

Note:  Three monkeys image courtesy of p://

2 thoughts on “Link: the ZOO: Come Play With Us

  1. I draw to feel better, it relaxes and gets me feeling that easy, blissful out- of-body kind of peace. It can be with no pressure, and I make mono prints using a brayer and it is so much fun without being physically taxing!

    • A perfect example of what I’m talking about. That blissful-out-of-body peaceful experience is something we long for, isn’t it? When we have true peace of mind, even if for a fleeting moment in our daily experience. I’m learning to incorporate more of this into my life, or re-incorporate it. Work for pay has taken over-precedence and I’m working on reharmonizing those aspects via this blog. It’s my selfishness in doing this, but I feel deep down, I need to share this experience. If I hadn’t I would not have experienced your wonderful supportive friendship. Also, as soon as I have my act together and figure out this posting stuff some more, I would like to link your website as part of the honor role. For now, Elaine’s wonderful work can be found here:

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